Our Code of Ethics

  1. Our motto is to comply with superior BUSINESS ETHICS and honest working principles. Our understanding is to conduct all our relations in a fair, mutually beneficial, well-intentioned and understanding manner, and our most basic principle is to comply with the laws and moral rules.
  2. It is our priority in the use of human resources to continue on our way with teammates who have an unlimited ENTHUSIASM in order to be able to do better under all circumstances.
  3. Maintaining and advancing the ability to communicate openly, delegate processes and build relationships based on TEAM SPIRIT is our management approach.
  4. The customer is our benefactor. Our first priority is to create value for them and to respond to their expectations with quality and stability as AGILE and FLEXIBLE. Our main task is to stand by our customers after sales by protecting our products.
  5. While accepting its customers as an important partner in maintaining commercial success, it is one of our basic principles to compete with its competitors in a TRUE and FAIR manner.
  6. To avoid discriminatory behavior towards its suppliers as well as its customers and to offer them EQUAL opportunities.
  7. To have an uninterrupted, long-term and SUSTAINABLE trade understanding.
  8. To try to create INNOVATIVE ideas about solutions and business models that will differentiate our company.
  9. Our main goal is to make the necessary investments to ensure continuity, to create resources from activities and to help our employees’ ECONOMIC and SOCIAL development.
  10. Being aware of its social role, being SENSITIVE TO THE ENVIRONMENT AND PEOPLE, is to use all resources SMARTLY and EFFECTIVELY, and not to compromise on waste.
  11. Trust, honesty, respect and awareness of responsibility are among our basic principles.

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